Non-Profit Spotlight

Featured Non-Profits at the 2013 Women’s Fair!

Each year, the Women’s Fair features local non-profit organizations that provide much-needed services to women, children and families in our community.

Through the event, we feature each non-profit with an exhibitor space and the opportunity to speak on stage about their organization. In addition to raising awareness, we also raise funds for these organizations through the prize packages that are raffled off at the Women’s Fair. 100% of the money raised is donated equally to each organization. We look for non-profits that help women and families succeed in their every day lives. In the past, we have featured organizations like the YWCA of Missoula, the Jadyn Fred Foundation, Partnership for Children, Mountain Home, the Girls Way and Missoula Aging Services.

In order to support their efforts, the Women’s Fair helps to increase awareness of these non-profits so you will learn more and get involved. The work that these special organizations do would not be possible without the generous support of supporters and donors right here in our local community. Check out the 2013 non-profits at the Women’s Fair:

Tamarack Grief Resource Center. During times of loss, individuals can benefit from connections with understanding others as they reconstruct their lives. Tamarack Grief Resource Center is dedicated to fostering this support and understanding throughout the grief process. Tamarack Grief Resource Center is committed to offering grief camps and retreats in collaboration with area hospices and related organizations. With over two decades of experience designing and implementing therapeutic camps and over 50 grief camps and retreats under our belts, Tamarack is the region’s most comprehensive grief resource center, specializing in bereavement camps and providing year-round grief support and education.

One camper shared her experience at a Georgetown Lake grief camp:

“This is the greatest feeling I have felt. This place is so special to me. I would not be myself without this place. This is a home away from home, my second family. This is so amazing. It’s indescribable. It gives you hope, support and strength. It is simply perfect. I love it!”

The Playground Project : An all-abilities playground for Missoula. The vision is this:  a magical playground in the heart of Missoula.  A playground where all children excited by the brightly colored equipment and inviting atmosphere discover elements that accommodate their bodies, mobility devices, or ways of playing.  A place enhanced by art and poetry that celebrate our diversity and strength.  A place that is more than the sum of its parts – that builds community and exceeds our conceptions of what a playground kids-with-checkshould or could be.  A place where kids are nourished by nature.  And a place where thoughtful design ensures that inclusion happens effortlessly and everyone is enriched in the process.

To say that all children deserve a place to play is an understatement. The truth is all children need a place to play!  All children learn, grow, and develop in virtually every capacity while playing.  As a community we can ensure that every child has this opportunity, no matter what!

The inspiration comes from all our kids, however one young man moved hearts in a special way.  Peter Anthony Sunchild Curley (1987-2011) embodied the spirit of play and openness.  His smile was a great source of wonder to all who knew him and he was ready to greet everyone with a hug and a hello.  Peter treasured outings to “see people, people” and Missoula’s parks were among his favorite destinations.  Although Peter endured over 70 surgeries in his 23 years of life, he accepted adversity with grace many of us never summon.  A member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Peter had “the spirit of a warrior and the soul of an angel.”  The aim is to create a playground as radiant and uncommon as Peter was and a place that would have delighted his heart.

A look back at the non-profits featured at the 2013 Women’s Fair.

The Parenting Place is dedicated to promoting nurturing and loving families. They provide Respite Childcare because parenting is an important but difficult job, and there are times when both parent and child can benefit from a healthy break. Respite provides an opportunity to meet a family’s needs in a positive way. The Nurturing Parenting Program is an excellent curriculum which provides a wide variety of topics suitable for all families. The group setting provides a unique opportunity to explore the wonders and challenges of parenting. The Parent Aide Program helps to strengthen families through parent education, role modeling, and support. They use a family systems approach, promoting the belief that everyone in the family is equally important, and equally responsible for change.

Women’s Opportunity & Resource Development, Inc. (WORD) is one of Missoula’s longest established and most experienced non-profit organizations. WORD creates opportunities, programs and policies that inspire and support women’s development, leadership and choice, for the benefit of our entire community. WORD offers women the resources they need to transform their lives and communities and fulfill their potential. They nationally recognized for their evolving work that is designed to stay on the leading edge of issues related to women, children and families in Missoula, Montana and the surrounding region.