
Does your organization serve women?

If you’re anything like us, you probably struggle to make enough “me time.” With most hours of the day devoted to your job, family and more, most of us struggle to find energy to devote to ourselves, let alone philanthropic causes.

And yet you might hear a voice in the back of your head urging you to give back. With thousands of good causes, where to begin?

You can help by nominating your favorite local non-profit organization that supports women and families in the Missoula area!

To support the efforts of non-profit organizations in our community, the Women’s Fair helps to increase awareness of these non-profits so local attendees will learn more and get involved.

Through the event, we feature each non-profit with an exhibitor space and the opportunity to speak on stage about their organization. In addition to raising awareness, we also raise funds for these organizations through the prize packages that are raffled off at the Women’s Fair. 100% of the money raised is donated equally to each organization. We look for non-profits that help women and families succeed in their every day lives. In the past, we have featured organizations like Tamarack Grief Resource Center, Playground Project, YWCA of Missoula, Jadyn Fred Foundation, WORD, Partnership for Children, Mountain Home, the Girls Way and Missoula Aging Services.

In order to support their efforts, the Women’s Fair helps to increase awareness of these non-profits so you will learn more and get involved. The work that these special organizations do would not be possible without the generous support of supporters and donors right here in our local community.

We select two non-profits each year by our selection committee. Deadline for nominations is December 1. Call 203-4200 for a non-profit application or click HERE.